UV invisible printer ink
Specifically formulated for use with piezo printers. (Epson, Brother, Mutoh, and Roland printers)
UV fluoresent printer ink (visible in daylight)
Specifically formulated for use with piezo printers. (Epson, Brother, Mutoh, Roland printers)
Dark black inkjet ink
Specifically made for printing inkjet screenprint films. With extremely high optical denstiy, it can easily block UV light during exposure.
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Basic Yellow 1
Basic Yellow 1 with CAS number 2390-54-7, is used in electroplating Industry. Geat improvement in purity and solubility.
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Colorants / Dyestuff / Pigment / Dye
Sythetic organic dyestuff, widely used in leather dyeing, as colornat in ink, paint, or plastic production.
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NATURAL dextrorotatory borneol
It's extracted from borneol camphor’s leaves, used in medcine, cosmetic, or even as addtive in detergent industry.
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